Clear Vinyl Drapes
A portable system of pipe and drape to create a protected space for meetings, offices and more.
Vinyl is 54” wide, highly polished, and clear.
Available in 12 gauge (passes NFPA 701) or 16 gauge (non F/R).
Four different kits ready to suit your needs:
3ft tall x 5ft wide (great to put on a table, desk, booth)
6ft tall x 5ft wide
8ft tall x 5ft wide
6ft tall pipe x 5ft wide with 3ft tall drape (perfect in front of desks or tables)
Around desks during meetings
On top of desks and tables
In between chairs in waiting rooms
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Give us a call. 888-321-3727 x22
Or email us at
Exclusively Expo 1225 Naperville Drive Romeoville, IL 60446
Call for an appointment. Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm